Searching for details about property

There are a number of online tools available to help find information about a property in England or Wales, even if you do not own it. The service is available on GOV.UK and allows users to search for property by postcode, map, title number or INSPIRE ID.

Once a property has been located, users can download copies of the property summary, title plan and title register for a property in the service. To get details of any ‘restrictive covenants’ or ‘easements’ users will need to purchase the title register.

The property summary is free of charge. There is a £3 charge for the title plan and title register when purchased online. If the title cannot be downloaded online, then a copy will be sent by post at a charge of £7 per document.

A separate flood risk report for properties in England can be obtained from the Environment Agency.

There are different registers that need to be used if the property is in Scotland or Northern Ireland.


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